WeWork in the press
Read more about WeWork press


As of June 30, 2023

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653K members
700+ locations
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38 countries

Press and media resources

Media assets
Artboard Created with Sketch.
Artboard Copy Created with Sketch.

Downloading assets requires following company and brand guidelines.

The digital assets, including the photography, brand, and logos, found on this page are the exclusive property of WeWork Inc. and its affiliated (collectively “WeWork”) and are provided for press agencies and journalists for use in newspapers, trade publications, and similar media about WeWork and its products and services. Any other use of these digital assets is strictly prohibited, including for personal or commercial purposes. Use of these digital assets are subject to the Asset guidelines as set forth below.


Asset guidelines

  • The digital assets should be used in association with a published report or article about WeWork, its products or services.
  • All photography must have the proper credits as set forth within each digital asset, if any are provided.
  • The digital assets may not be altered in any way or combined with other logos.
  • If you have any questions about the use of these digital assets, please contact press@wework.com.

Branding assets

Contact information
Artboard Created with Sketch.
Artboard Copy Created with Sketch.

For all media inquiries, please contact press@wework.com.

71 5th Avenue
Floor 3
New York, NY 10003