Special offers on select private offices. Restrictions and terms apply. Connect with our team to learn more.

546 5th Avenue

546 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10036
Special offers on select private offices. Restrictions and terms apply. Connect with our team to learn more.

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  • 546 5th Avenue Office Space
    Private Office
  • 546 5th Avenue Office Space
    Private Office
  • 546 5th Avenue Office Space
    Floor Plans: 4th, 14th Floors

Доступное рабочее пространство

Сколько рабочих мест вам нужно?
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Закрепленное рабочее место

Ваше персональное рабочее место в общем офисе.


  • Уборка помещений
  • Технические услуги
  • Переговорные комнаты
  • Уникальные зоны общего пользования
  • Принтеры бизнес-класса
Смотреть все услуги


546 5th Avenue New York, NY 10036

Finding Office Space at 546 5th Avenue

WeWork is a global network of workspaces where companies grow together. At this convenient address, discover floors of workspace and private offices. Our spaces are designed to promote productivity whether you’re a team of one or 100, and month-to-month flexibility means your space is just as agile as you are. Plus, one all-inclusive rate makes things easy. Any workspace can have a lounge, but ours are decorated with custom murals. Your old office might have had a coffee pot, but ours has a micro-roasted coffee bar and fresh fruit water. We’ve considered every detail so you can focus on your business. Beyond desks, staff, and amenities, find a community of forward-thinking companies and in-house events that connect you organically. More information on this location is coming soon, but we’re gladly accepting inquiries. Get in touch today to schedule a visit.

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