Inclusion and Diversity at WeWork

WeWork was built on the idea that we are better, together. Since day one, community has been at our core. From the design of our spaces to our programming, we strive to be a place where every individual – regardless of their background, colour of their skin, gender, political or religious beliefs, sexual orientation or difference of any kind – is welcomed, included and cherished.

Our mission

The mission of WeWork’s Office of Inclusion is to create a workplace that promotes inclusion and fosters diversity.

Inclusive environments

Inclusion is promoted through an environment that empowers everyone to fully participate as their authentic self.

Diverse communities

Diversity is fostered when we value differences and recognise that those differences are present both within our company and member communities, and are vital to our success.

Our values

WeWork’s values are integral to creating a community where inclusion thrives and diversity is celebrated.

Do the right thing.

We know the ‘right thing’ is a deliberate action we must always take, and that it is based on integrity and builds trust with those who we care about, including our people, members and our community.

Give gratitude.

We will not take anyone or anything for granted. We are grateful for our people, members and our greater community, as well as for the opportunities we have in front of us.

Strive to be better, together.

We’ve always believed that we are better together. We must operate with a shared purpose to constantly improve and grow and to become better as individuals, teams and as a company.

Be human, be kind.

Collaboration, kindness and authenticity are essential to our humanity. We must cherish each other and build a community that celebrates each person’s unique talents, passions and backgrounds.

Be entrepreneurial.

To reshape the way the world works, we must be bold, act with courage and demonstrate the resiliency to push ahead, whatever the odds or the circumstances.

Our goal

We want all WeWork spaces to be equal opportunity environments. We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind, whether against a WeWork employee, member, vendor or guest, in our spaces or at our events. As we journey together to create a more inclusive and diverse community, we appreciate your partnership in living up to these values.

Pronouns @ WeWork

WeWork’s Office of Inclusion is proud to launch its Pronouns @ WeWork campaign, which seeks to foster an environment that allows each of us to thrive by inviting everyone to fully participate as their authentic self.
Learn more→

Questions or concerns?

If you ever have any concerns about potential discrimination or harassment, you can contact a member of your local Community team or complete this form. After you have done so, the WeWork team will promptly address your concerns and take appropriate action.