Take advantage of special offers on select private offices. Restrictions and terms apply.Learn more

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Our shared office space in Downtown Oakland is a haven for business in the center of a diverse and ever-evolving city. Sitting in a sleek, glass high-rise, WeWork City Center offers four floors of private offices, dedicated desks, and beautiful common areas perfect for businesses in a range of industries—from startups and nonprofits to law firms and creative agencies. With the 12th Street/City Center BART station nearby and easy access to the Bay Bridge, the 880, and the 980 freeways, commuting is a breeze. Plus, the area is full of tasty restaurants and trendy bars perfect for working lunches, client dinners, and team celebrations. At WeWork City Center, you’ll have everything you need to get ahead of the curve.

Espais i solucions disponibles

1 20+

Recomanat per a tu

Oficina privada

Espai de treball privat llest per traslladar-s'hi per a equips de qualsevol mida, amb els serveis compartits o privats que triïs. A més, hi ha opcions de tota la planta disponibles que t'ofereixen més privadesa i personalització.


Més informació sobre les oficines privades

Espai de treball per al dia: WeWork On Demand

Reserva accés a espai de treball compartit o a oficina privada per a un dia. Més informació

  • Per a una persona sola i equips petits
  • Wi-Fi ràpid, cafè i te il·limitats i molt més
A partir de $29/dia*

*Més els impostos aplicables

Sales de reunions: WeWork On Demand

Reserva sales de conferències per hores per a grups de totes les mides. Més informació

  • Per a grups petits i grans
  • Wi-Fi ràpid, eines audiovisuals per a conferències i molt més
A partir de $8/seient/hora*

*Més els impostos aplicables

Afiliació mensual: WeWork All Access

Accés a centenars d'espais de treball compartits a prop teu i arreu del món. Més informació

Plus Més popular

Treballa des de Més de 500 ubicacions


  • S'inclou 1 espai de treball compartit al dia
  • 5 crèdits inclosos per mes per reservar sales de reunions i oficines privades

*Més impostos i tarifes aplicables


Treballa des de més de 180 ubicacions


  • S'inclou 1 espai de treball compartit al dia
  • 2 crèdits inclosos per mes per reservar sales de reunions i oficines privades

*Més impostos i tarifes aplicables

Taula dedicada

El teu escriptori en una oficina compartida. Condicions de compromís flexibles.

Oficina privada

Selecciona la teva data de trasllat i capacitat per veure l'inventari.

Oficina de planta sencera

Amb opcions i serveis privats per a marques personals.

Oficina de planta sencera
Més de 50 persones Planta privada

Serveis professionals

Serveis de neteja Sala de criança Emmagatzematge de bicicletes Dutxes Espai per a esdeveniments Jocs recreatius Sala de benestar Personal in situ

Més informació


Icon for serveis de neteja

Serveis de neteja

Icon for sala de criança

Sala de criança

Icon for emmagatzematge de bicicletes

Emmagatzematge de bicicletes

Icon for dutxes


Icon for espai per a esdeveniments

Espai per a esdeveniments

Icon for jocs recreatius

Jocs recreatius

Icon for sala de benestar

Sala de benestar

Icon for personal in situ

Personal in situ

Mostra tots els serveis


1111 Broadway 3rd Floor Oakland, CA 94607

Inspired by the area’s vibrant maker scene, WeWork City Center is coworking space in Downtown Oakland that’s bursting with creative energy. Your team will love the custom art and thoughtful design at this colorful location—plus, floor-to-ceiling windows provide plenty of natural light to keep your energy levels up throughout the day. Looking to host an event? Our fully-equipped event space on the third floor is the perfect spot for thought leader talks, film screenings, or informal gatherings. You’ll also enjoy WeWork’s signature perks, like fresh fruit water, unlimited micro-roasted coffee, dedicated Community Managers, and around-the-clock cleaning services. Make your next big move and schedule a tour today.

Trànsit proper

  • Multiple parking options located within a two block radius

  • I-880, I-980

  • 12th St. Oakland City Center BART Station conveniently located outside the main building entrance

Què diu la gent


February 20, 2024

This is the other Oakland Wework location (the first one I went to being the one down the street at 2201). This one is in the fancy high rise right above the 12th street Bart station. The building has a super fancy lobby with lots of couches and seating (but no bathroom!) and a fancier clientele. This Wework has way more private offices and fewer hot desk folks, so it's quieter. The hot desk space is mostly in one big room with long communal tables and a few booths. The kitchen is always well stocked and they have an espresso machine (a huge perk for me). There are a decent number of phone booths for private calls and a few rooms you can reserve (they keep them locked). Note that this location is only open M-F 8am-5pm so you can't get in early or come back after hours. The front desk staff are super friendly but overall it is a less friendly/communal vibe than the other location. I use both.... So pick which one fits you better!

Stevie R

January 18, 2024

The staff are so friendly, patient, and helpful, and I love how spacious this office is. Best WeWork I’ve been to yet!

Kyle Koichi Morishita

January 16, 2023

This spot is a perfect example of customer service at its finest. SERVICE: On a daily basis, Erika and Kenya are extremely friendly and positive! They go above and beyond to take care of everyone. Rachel and Erica are also all-stars. FACILITY: The space is always clean and well maintained. The coffee and beverage stations are huge perks. Plus, the holiday events are always nice bonuses and very well done (see pics). OVERALL: Come for the coffee and drinks, stay for the incredible service and hospitality.

Richard Park

November 16, 2022

Great place to visit, especially if you're an unemployed deadbeat like myself: you can remember what it was like to work! But don't watch too long because seeing all that work might tire you!
View all reviews

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