Your calendar isn’t the only thing that can give you insights into the week ahead. In our new monthly column, Workstrology, the expert astrologers at Sanctuary chart the energies, oppositions, and smart moves for your sign.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
You might be dealing with some heavy emotions at the start of this month, Taurus, as the Sun illuminates your subconscious zone. You’ll receive clarity on deep-seated themes relating to intimacy, service, and secrets when a harmonious connection is made between the Sun and Jupiter on April 14. This experience will help you start fresh with extra motivation and crystal-clear vision. As an Earth sign, you have a knack for transmuting ideas into physical form: Visualize career moves that honor your unique gifts and talents. Any excessive dreaminess or mental fog will dissipate when Mercury enters decisive, enthusiastic Aries on April 17, and you’ll be able to start putting your new outlook into action.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Look for new ways to collaborate with colleagues this month, Gemini, as the Sun sheds light on opportunities within your extended network. On April 5, a new moon in Aries will yield abundant results for new projects, initiatives, and launches. With Venus gracing your career zone until April 20, you’ll feel appreciated and valued at work. You deserve these pats on the back! In the final week of April, Pluto and Saturn retrograde in the area of your chart that governs power and the resources of others. As memories surface from the depths of your psyche, you may find a new perspective on how you’ve previously dealt with and utilized such things. Strive for equity, transparency, and trust going forward.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
This month, the Sun cruises through your career zone, illuminating your hard work and professionalism. You may be tapped to take on new responsibilities. With Jupiter expanding your zone of daily work and service, expect increased opportunity all year long; be discerning about what you agree to take on, and try not to commit to more than you can deliver. Now is a perfect time to revisit the path ahead for your role. When the planet of growth and favor retrogrades on April 10, you’ll embrace a slow-yet-steady pace as you broaden the scope of your work. In the last week of April, Pluto and Saturn retrograde in your partnership zone. Unstable or tenuous relationships may be tested, and their hidden flaws exposed. Trust that this is a necessary process and let anything that feels toxic fall away.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
You’re dreaming of new horizons as the ruler of your sign, the vibrant Sun, journeys through your adventure zone. Plan a weekend getaway around April 13, or commit to a relaxing staycation with some art supplies and a stack of books; expanding your mind and your creative habits will serve you well. Later this month, it’s time to get serious about your health and your work routine. Change up your office workflow to promote a healthier weekday lifestyle, whether by taking a midafternoon walk or a yoga class during lunch—even just once a week. Anticipate a new opportunity at work around April 22, when the Sun meets up with unpredictable Uranus in your career zone.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Helpful Virgo, consider what makes you an irreplaceable asset in your workplace, and the ways in which your boss and colleagues depend on you. The most vital and long-lasting business partnerships are mutually beneficial, so be sure to also think about what makes your work valuable for you. If your calculations suggest the balance is tipped, start looking into ways you can work to level the scales. You’ll want strong support from the planet of luck while you advocate for a raise or promotion, so tackle any negotiations before Jupiter retrogrades on April 10. Not possible? Then wait for April 18, the most favorable date of this month for you to lobby for your financial interests.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
You’ve put in a lot of legwork to evolve your personal identity, and a second consecutive full moon in your sign on April 19 marks a culmination of this effort. During this rare lunation, you’ll see results from work you’ve put into developing or strengthening a particular skill set—and you’ll start to recognize yourself as a stronger asset to your team. Have confidence in your abilities this month, Libra, and you’ll truly shine in a new role. At month’s end, when Saturn and Pluto retrograde in your foundational home zone, consider what you need to feel professionally and emotionally supported by your team. You have a wealth of talent to offer, so make sure you have all the tools required to sustain your newly expanded efforts and set yourself up for long-term success.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
With lucky Jupiter in your financial zone, you’re feeling optimistic about your earning potential. Opportunities are everywhere—seize them and reap the rewards. But keep an eye on your budget when Jupiter stations retrograde on April 10, especially if your spending has increased along with your earnings. Remember that abundance can be sweeter as an elevated figure in your savings account than as a decadent dinner or a luxuriously-outfitted apartment. With the Sun moving through your zone of health, work, and service until April 20, your daily routine and habits come into sharper focus. Now is the time to improve your work-life balance. Yes, you can have both. Be sure to nurture your mind and body on a daily basis, and carve out time to connect with friends to fulfill your social needs.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Treat yourself, Sag! As springtime arrives and the Sun heats up your pleasure zone, take your usual after-work dinner and drinks routine to the next level. When your happiness is abundant, you’ll have plenty to share—so use that flow to initiate something unexpected and positive for your team, like a fun excursion or team-building exercise. Your ruling planet, Jupiter, turns retrograde in your self-expression zone on April 10, encouraging you to reflect on how your personal philosophy is evolving. Take this time to fine-tune that evolution going forward. On April 30, disciplined Saturn stations retrograde in your financial zone, forcing you to get real about your resources. Aim for greater balance in your saving and spending habits to relieve financial stress.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Jupiter begins its backward glide through your subconscious zone on April 10, giving you expansive access to your own inner world. What have you been dreaming about lately, Capricorn? Do some soul-searching to figure out what can be pulled from those hidden depths and integrated into your outward persona. When Saturn, your planetary ruler, retrogrades in your self-expression zone on April 30, you’ll be able to rethink the way you communicate your identity to others. While the Sun illuminates your home and family zone, much of this month will be a time for you to focus on personal matters. Happily, Mars holds things down in your productivity zone all month long, so you’ll keep shining at the office. On April 20, when the Sun crosses into your creativity zone, you’ll receive a boost that will help you innovate for the benefit of your team once again.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
You’re the most humanitarian sign of the zodiac, Aquarius, always willing to stand up for others—but in fighting for the greater good, you sometimes forget those closest to you. This month brings a chance to focus on your inner circle as the Sun lights up your community sector and Jupiter’s generous energy moves to the zone governing your social network. Take time to really listen to your closest coworkers, one-on-one. Prioritize fostering compassion and empathy this month—with Mars spending all of April in your pleasure zone, you’ll genuinely enjoy it. Resources come to you readily while Venus, the planet of money and value, cruises through your financial zone earlier in the month—and when Venus moves into your community zone on April 20, you’ll be ready to share the wealth.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
This month, the Sun cruises across your personal finances—and when Mercury moves into Aries on April 17, it will prompt smarter money moves. Think about opening a high-yield savings account or starting a Roth IRA to invest in your retirement. When Jupiter retrogrades in your career zone on April 10, try meditating to tap into your inner wells of optimism and self-belief. This is a lucky year for you, careerwise, but in order to successfully manifest the opportunities available, you need to align your belief in yourself with your vision for the future. Who do you want to be known as, Pisces? Where do you see yourself in a year? Conjure an image of your future self, then write down the steps you’ll take to get there.

Aries (March 21-April 19)
Aries, you’re all about taking initiative and springing into action, and for the first week of this month, you’ll feel an extra boost to get after your goals. Use this time to push forward with the most important projects on your agenda. On April 5, a new moon in your sign offers an opportunity to align your image with your long-term career goals. As Jupiter, the planet of growth, begins its retrograde journey through your zone of intellectual and spiritual beliefs on April 10, evaluate how you’re honoring and expressing your personal ethics at work. Toward month’s end, Pluto retrogrades in your career zone, calling you to revitalize this area of your life. Consider what’s working well for you in your current position, and be honest with yourself about what’s not.
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