Seven ways entrepreneurs can make their resumes stand out

You may be wondering why an entrepreneur even needs a resume. After all, you most likely work for yourself. If you are an entrepreneur, no matter how successful you are, it is still a good idea to have a resume on hand. If things don’t work out, at least you’ll have a career plan to fall back on. Here are seven tips to help you create a stand-out resume.

1. Highlight your transferable skills. As an entrepreneur, you pick up a lot of random skills that can be used in a variety of other jobs. Make sure that your resume highlights those skills. You don’t have to focus on them, just mention how they apply to other companies.You may be wondering why an entrepreneur even needs a resume. After all, you most likely work for yourself. If you are an entrepreneur, no matter how successful you are, it is still a good idea to have a resume on hand. If things don’t work out, at least you’ll have a career plan to fall back on. Here are seven tips to help you create a stand-out resume.

2. Don’t emphasize a business failure. Entrepreneurs wear their past failures as a badge of pride, but potential employers might not see it that way. Recruiters and hiring managers want to want to see your successes.

3. Stand out from the crowd. What makes you stand out in the business world? As an entrepreneur, you take on a lot of different responsibilities, but usually there are one or two things that you can do better than anyone else. These are the things you need to focus on, when crafting your resume. Remember, you can always craft different versions of your CV depending on the job you’re targeting.

4. Add a cover letter. Many people think that they only need to have a resume ready to go. It is also a good idea to have a cover letter on hand. This is your introduction to a prospective employer. In fact, your cover letter could be the only reason an employer takes a look at your resume. You need to know how to write a great cover letter if you want to attract employers.

5. You need a title. The title you use on your resume should reflect the type of position you are seeking. For instance, if you want to be in sales, make sure that you use a title such as sales executive or sales director on your resume. This is important for potential employers to see, because it shows you are seeking more than just a job, you are seeking a career.

6. Use the right keywords. Many recruiters use applicant tracking systems (ATS) so it is not only important to use keywords, but you need to know which ones. Look for words or phrases that describe your past experience, and fit the type of job you are looking for in the future. One way to narrow down the list, is to see what keywords occur in your job postings. Then, use those same keywords when applying.

7. Include leadership skills. If you have operated your own business, then you have some degree of leadership experience. Even if you did not manage any employees, you still had to run that business, deal with clients and customers, and possibly handle distributors. Show potential employers that you have what it takes to take charge and get things done by including this on your resume.

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