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Artz Pedregal

Seated on seven floors of a modern building at the heart of Pedregal, this location is an office space that’s sure to impress. Mexico City’s vibrant community comes alive in the area’s surrounding residential development, and our coworking & private office spaces are the perfect professional complement. Our mixed-use complex promises to be a new icon for Mexico City. Most members commute by car via Periferico Sur, and with onsite parking and bike storage your ride is secure during the day, whether it’s two wheels or four. Nearby restaurants and shops offer tasty lunch options and access to some of Mexico City’s culture. Meet the future of your business at Artz Pedregal.


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Büroräume in Artz Pedregal

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Mitgliedschaft für gemeinschaftliche Arbeitsbereiche

Privates Büro


Anillo Perif. 3720 Jardines del Pedregal Ciudad de México, 01900

Gebäude in der Nähe erkunden