Five reasons to hire a boomerang freelancer

Busy? As in barely have time to browse this article, before you scurry back to frantically search for help tackling another hot project? Then you probably don’t have time to sit through the vetting process of hiring a new person, or ensuring that your candidate cuts the mustard.

To save yourself headaches and heartbreak, it often makes sense to rehire that “boomerang” freelancer to return for another job. Here are 5 reasons to do exactly that:

1. Faster ramp up, smoother sailing

Duh, this one’s a no brainer. If the paperwork is in place, you can hit the ground running the nano-second a job is needed. By keeping 5 or 6 online freelancers in your stable, on call, they’ll spring to action at the drop of a hat. Ditto for working together more smoothly, as you know each other’s idiosyncrasies and can read between the lines. Example: When you say the landing page looks “flat”, they’ll know what you really mean is that you want the logo bigger.

2. Consistently higher-quality work

Along the same lines, there’s no substitute for chemistry. By working with a freelancer on a second and third project, you’ll begin to form a true “partnership” mentality. While initially your freelancer may feel more like an order taker, they’ll increasingly add value and offer insights you would have never thought of. It won’t be too long until they’ll be running the projects, and you can be the one adding tips here and there.

3. Watch talent blossom before your eyes

You’ll be amazed at the versatility of most freelancers. While you may hire a person initially to code a mobile app, during your conversations you may discover that your freelancer is also a whiz at Flash. See #1 and #2 for what a difference that can make when you need a Flash animation up and running by Wednesday’s meeting with the VCs. The same goes for graphic designers who can illustrate, SEO experts who know SEM, translators who understand entering a foreign market, and on and on.

4. Get hard-to-find skills on someone else’s dime

When your freelancer isn’t working for you, they’re not just sitting around watching “Lost” reruns all day. Chances are they’re using the experience they gained from your projects to land equally challenging jobs. It all starts to steamroll and pretty soon your freelancer is picking up hot skills right and left. You get all the benefits of these ever-escalating talents, without the training costs or learning curve. Ca-ching, ca-ching.

5. Improved team morale

Not to say that your team is walking on egg shells, worrying about their future or your company’s future, but there is something to be said for stability. If you’re working with the same team of freelancers on a regular basis, it makes everyone feel like the ship is on course. Fluctuation isn’t good in any company, and in a young startup it can cause people to raise eyebrows. ‘Nuff said.

So next time you’re up to your ears in work, book a return engagement with a favorite boomerang freelancer. You’ll win big and set yourself up for more success in the future. It’s a winning pattern that keeps rewarding you again and again. And again.

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