Your calendar isn’t the only thing that can give you insights into the week ahead. In our monthly column Workstrology, the expert astrologers at Sanctuary chart the energies, oppositions, and smart moves for your sign.

Aries (March 21–April 19)
You want collaborations to be harmonious in October, Aries, but stay on the lookout for red flags that can inadvertently upset workplace dynamics. It’s hard to make firm decisions when every suggestion seems to have merit, and in your willingness to make allowances for others, you can overlook differences in opinion, unfair treatment, or clashing project goals that will set a problematic standard. It’s best now to be precise about expectations, because any alliances forged in the spirit of appeasement will have long-term repercussions. Fortunately, the full moon in your sign on the 13th will help you sort out your own objectives. This moon will help you make critical decisions about who to work with, and how to divide up responsibilities. Keep your head in the game and do the right thing to champion the task at hand, even if it’s not the seemingly diplomatic or agreeable choice in the eyes of your coworkers or associates. On October 27, the new moon in Scorpio lets you see your value. In this context, seeing your value will allow you to establish energetic and financial boundaries that make sense for you, and aren’t for the sake of people-pleasing. By the end of this month, you’ll have a new grasp on putting yourself first.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)
You enter October in one of two ways: either you’re a machine, tackling problems with ease and efficiency, or you’re on pause, watching the work pile up and honestly, you’re unbothered by it. Your commitment to personal growth is your top priority at the moment, and—simply put—you’re not taking any BS anymore. You’ve realized over the past few months that keeping up the appearance of happiness, forged via detrimental compromises, has been draining you of your energy. The full moon in Aries on the 13th gives clear cues that unhealthy work habits and unbalanced relationships need to be revised or potentially discarded. Those around you might interpret this as an unpleasant shift in your character, but remember that this is about your growth. Invoking your inner bad cop may be necessary in order for others to stop using you as a doormat and give you the respect you deserve. Your personal ambitions will be cleared to move forward, instead of permanently stalled maintaining harmony with those who don’t deserve to ride your coattails. The new moon in Scorpio on the 27th promises collaborations with new, healthier, and more liberating power dynamics.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)
With both Mercury and Venus sliding into your zone of service early in the month, you’ll have the necessary tools to kick-start a project that’s been simmering in your mind for a hot minute. Although you have the chops to handle any creative enterprise, you often struggle to achieve the life-changing payoff that comes with sticking to something, no matter how tedious, past the point where it stops being purely for your own enjoyment. But in October, you’re grounded by a private objective, which curtails your distraction. How does it feel when your attention isn’t split between many tasks? Is there a way to marry your artistic inclinations to long-standing commitments or financial obligations without losing your passion? The full moon in Aries on the 13th says yes. It wants you to stop thinking small and start thinking about how you can alter the course of your future by making a permanent mark on your community. The new moon in Scorpio on the 27th will support you in creating boundaries that allow you to be fully present in each endeavor you undertake.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)
Oh Cancer, you just want a reprieve from shedding your skin these days, and you’d like nothing better than a little R&R. However, a few collaborative conflicts are set to arrive this month, disputes that are mostly intended to prevent you from running back to what was safe or easy in the past. Indeed, October is about doing the hard work of building better foundations in partnership and business relationships, and in particular, the Aries full moon on the 13th works to your advantage. It says, “If you’re not going to help me at my lowest, then you don’t deserve to join me on the journey to the top!” This is an auspicious career moment for you, reconnecting you to professional goals. It’s time to start visualizing future success instead of leaning back into the security of past accomplishments (or the comfort of failures). The new moon in Scorpio on the 27th reminds you of passions you lost touch with while you were trying to manage life. Follow the trail of what inspires you; it has the promise of changing your perspective while providing a new community.

Leo (July 23–Aug. 22)
Your words may appear to fail you in October, Leo. If you work in communications, journalism, or fields that require public speaking or the written word (so, almost any job), you may find yourself exhausted trying to phrase sentiments accurately enough to please all parties. Normally, you’re able to find the special sauce recipe to appease Person A and make flavor adjustments to suit Person B, but this month, this game seems more tedious than usual. Why should you sugarcoat your pitches? Shouldn’t your craft and skills stand on their own? This influence is intended to make you mindful of who you want to draw into your business. If you desire a certain clientele, represent yourself as authentically as possible and don’t cater to lukewarm audiences. This might cost you some followers, but that loss is inevitable if you don’t tailor-make everything to individual tastes. The Aries full moon on the 13th forecasts that when you invest in yourself by making surgical choices, you organically attract those who sense the passion in your intentions. During the Scorpio new moon on the 27th, an unexpected career-related matter prompts you to negotiate your work-life balance.

Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)
You had a busy September and may feel a bit zapped of your energy in October. Saturn, the taskmaster, has been posted up in your zone of enjoyment and play, and both the Sun and Mars make challenging connections to it this month, amplifying feelings of tenderness and subtle melancholy. Order is not bringing you happiness, and your creative ambitions feel weighed down by obligations to perform. It’s important to understand that you haven’t lost your passion. It takes tenacity to push through the less pleasant aspects of your work to get the material rewards you’re seeking—and they are there. This month, you might even get a financial break or fortunate introduction, but don’t slow down; keep going to make your dream a reality without falling prey to insecurity. The Aries full moon on the 13th asks you to consider contracts you’ve made with others. It’s a great time to renegotiate if terms have changed, or if you’ve yet to see the returns you were promised. Demanding equity instills others with confidence because they see you taking the enterprise seriously. The Scorpio new moon on the 27th supports unapologetic communication.

Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)
As a Libra, you have a natural talent for chameleon-ing yourself to address matters at hand, but in October, your people-pleasing flexibility clashes with responsibilities to your security and well-being that require you to be direct and uncompromising. Tensions that arise now help you achieve clarity around your priorities, but they also poke at insecurities and reveal hidden fears. This may be a fear of success, of building a lasting legacy, or of establishing yourself in a role at home and in your career where you have the final say—because those decisions might result in the power to disappoint others. What could your life look like unfettered by the anxieties that are largely self-induced? The full moon in Aries on the 13th helps you to assert your voice in cooperative efforts, which changes your reaction to fear by curbing your penchant for using it as a safety net. Be brave! Your success does not depend on whose favor you’ve curried. The new moon in Scorpio on the 27th opens a new chapter of trusting your power and intuition. You’ve got this.

Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)
You’d love nothing better than to relax in October, but unfortunately fate intervenes, keeping you busy with all of the appointments, meetings, and errands you scheduled prior to the start of the month when you had more energy. Fortunately, your agenda revolves around projects that interest you, so boredom isn’t the issue; it’s maintaining your focus. Despite receiving inspired ideas on the rare occasion you find a window to daydream, you’ll feel overwhelmed with what you have to manage right now, and more than a little lethargic at the end of the day when your to-do list hasn’t seemed to get any smaller. The Aries full moon on the 13th helps you rein in routines that have slid out of balance and recommends physical movement to liven you up. Get out of that chair so your circulation and inspiration flow in tandem. Once the Sun enters your sign on the 23rd, you’ll start to feel your energy returning, and the Scorpio new moon on the 27th promises exciting leadership opportunities that are worth the wait.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)
Community projects dominate your life in October, Sag. Watch your spending this month, and keep a tight handle on domestic responsibilities. You’re finally getting proper recognition for doing work you believe in and enjoy, but you may risk giving too much of yourself away in return for friendly support—and little else. You can’t eat a social media shout-out, a “heart,” or a “like,” and if your friends believe in you, they’ll understand that your work is worth tangible dollars, platforms, or at the very least, connections. Nonetheless, take pride in where you are; you’re allowed to be excited. Just don’t throw over your needs for those who like what you bring to the table but stop short of compensating you for your time. The Aries full moon on the 13th suggests confronting the root of financial worries and transmuting them by owning your talents. A part of you believes you “deserved” your past obstacles and shortcomings. This Moon will illuminate how outmoded that belief really is. The Scorpio new moon on the 27th urges you to pay attention to your dreams to get clues on addressing day-to-day business.

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)
You’ve always got the business end of things covered, Capricorn, but in October, you’ll get critical recognition. Excess praise, however, may seem suspicious. Haven’t you been burning the midnight oil this whole time? Why all the commendations now? You’ve probably guessed it, but more attention equals more responsibilities, and if you haven’t been tasked with something new, expect the boss to come knocking. The upside: Being seen as an asset creates opportunities to ask for what you’re worth. Have you been tapped for a promotion? Request the raise that should come with it. Does your boss need you to stay late to train the new guy? How about a half-day Friday? Superiors respect your candor because your demands are fair, so see how far this period of goodwill can take you. The Aries full moon on the 13th says, “Don’t bring your work home.” This month, find rituals to create necessary space between your house and the office, or if you work from home, keep your business space isolated so it’s not visually in your line of sight. The Scorpio new moon on the 27th provides ideas for creating change through your work that impacts the planet. You’re using your powers for good!

Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)
October is a great month for any Aquarian whose work involves travel, higher education, or foreign contacts, but it’s critical to remain grounded and give yourself enough time to rest and recharge. There’s little risk of burning out, as you love learning new things and meeting new people. The problem is that by getting attached to everyone else’s’ vision, the personal ambitions you previously held will become unrecognizable, and you’ll enthusiastically modify your messaging for others without realizing it. It might only be at month’s end that you recognize you’ve drifted far from your own shore. Keep yourself tethered to practical considerations for your well-being: eating, sleeping, taking care of your mental health. The Aries full moon on the 13th urges you to remember the little details within the big picture. Celebrating small accomplishments on the way to the top will help you stay focused. The new moon in Scorpio on the 27th presses the reset button on business ambitions, giving you the confidence and focus to position yourself for a promotion, raise, or even a new career.

Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20)
If you feel confused about which offers to accept in October, trust the advice of your friends. Not only will they point out red flags buried in good-looking proposals, they’ll also boost your confidence by affirming your value. Their intentions are good, even if they come across as killjoys when encouraging you to reconsider opportunities or contracts that look perfect on the surface, but might not have anything else going for them. This month is about negotiation, and there are rewards to be reaped if you crack the compromise code. Remember, you have talents in your arsenal that are worth gold. The Aries full moon on the 13th urges you to visualize what you desire (money, a career boost, more support from partners), and use those talents as bargaining chips instead of automatically settling for whatever is offered to you. The Scorpio new moon on the 27th gives you the bravery to pursue your dreams. An unexpected travel opportunity or a chance encounter with a stranger might be the spark that inspires you to pursue new education or a move. Use your intuition to determine if the timing feels right.
Nyssa Grazda is a Los Angeles–based astrological consultant, writer, and intuitive. She speaks to planetary transits and personal empowerment at @neongeometryastrology.
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