Six posts guaranteed to drive traffic to your company’s blog

I can’t tell you how many times a week someone reaches out to ask if I’m accepting sponsored posts on one of my websites. That doesn’t even count the companies who want to submit a guest post or share an infographic or other piece of content.

As I’ve learned with my websites Productivity Bytes and Productivity Theory, blogging has become an essential marketing tool for businesses of all sizes. Blog posts are useful for informing and educating your readers, as well as helping to drive traffic and drum up potential new business.

You just have to make sure your posts are being read.

Not all blog posts are created equal, however. There’s a certain amount of strategy involved in selecting which kinds of posts will attract the readers you’re looking for. Here are six types of blog posts that can be great traffic-drivers for just about any kind of business.

1. Lists

You’re reading one right now, so it only makes sense to place lists at the top spot. While lists have their pros and cons, it’s safe to say that most people click on a list-style article at least a few times a week.

One of the best things about lists is that they organize information into an easily digestible format. You don’t need to read every single word to get the point. If something on the list does interest you, more information is available.

Another plus: they are relatively easy to write, because an outline comes naturally.

2. Infographics

Infographics are so compelling that there are even infographics about the importance of infographics.

Like lists, infographics are a great way to present a lot of information in a way that’s easy to navigate. Infographics pull together the most relevant facts, tidbits, and stats from an article and make them easier to understand.

One reasons readers like infographics is because they visualize the data. There’s no better way to prove your point than a strong infographics.

3. Interviews

Look at all the types of media, including TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the internet, and one thing rings true: a good interview’s hard to beat.

That said, you can’t just interview any random person and expect the clicks to come flowing. Ideally, both the person and the subject matter are interesting to your potential readers.

There are a few different ways to include interviews on your company’s blog. The easiest is a Q&A format that focuses mostly on the text. Or you could use audio or video clips to add a bit of multimedia flair.

4. Learning centers

Another way to attract readers to your website is to include a learning center. Ideally, this page is a one-stop-shop filled with all sorts of useful information and resources, including business FAQs, product catalogs, and, of course, your blog.

Setting up a learning center is effective because it makes your readers feel like they’re getting something of value—and they are. They’re getting education, information, and expertise from your company.

5. Case studies

There can be many steps that go into putting together a compelling case study, but when done correctly, they can drive plenty of results.

The best case studies include names or companies that are recognizable, but they don’t always have to. A useful case study should introduce your readers to a client with a specific goal, then show how your business helped them meet that goal.

It probably goes without saying, but case studies where goals were not only met, but exceeded, will drive the most interest among readers.

6. How-to articles

If you’ve ever browsed YouTube (and who hasn’t), you probably know that there is a huge appetite for how-to or tutorial content. Your company’s website can be an expert resource in this regard.

The idea here is to give expert advice on a subject that’s closely associated to your business. If you’re a bicycle repair business, you might post a blog entry on how to make biking part of your everyday commute. If you’re a financial services company, you might include a blog post about how to save money.

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