Why your B2B needs a strong social media presence

B2Bs companies often get categorized as “boring,” but social media can be a great tool to build a strong personality and a unique identity for your company. It can also help you develop deeper relationships with new and existing clients, and position yourself as a leader in the industry.

Here are five reasons why B2Bs should have a strong social media presence:

1. Social media helps you know more about your prospects

Social media isn’t just about building engagement by talking to consumers. It’s also about listening and gathering information. Today, we can connect with an investor or a prospective business partner the same way we connect with a friend online. We can see what our leads read, what they like to eat, where they go on vacation, and what they purchase. Social media helps us understand what makes them tick. And it also gives us valuable insight into their personal and business lives. Be sure to do your research on prospective clients wherever they show up on social media.

2. It gives your leads a chance to warm up to you

Effective social media communication can help prospects understand your company and keep them engaged. Creating a personal connection between your brand and your leads will make them warm up to you. This will make them more likely to answer your calls and reply back to your emails.

Every post you make is an opportunity to give your prospects a gentle reminder of who you are, what you do, and what you can bring to the table. Social media is a great, subtle way for people to know your brand without bombarding them with follow-up emails or phone calls that interrupt their workday. As a bonus, you can also strengthen the bonds you have with your existing client base as you build your community online. Just make sure to keep your sales pitch off your users’ social feeds.

3. It shows people that your B2B isn’t boring

Every company has ample opportunity to create interesting and engaging content. Show people that your B2B isn’t boring by showing off your assets, which include your staff, products, and partners. Create emotional connections with your audience by leveraging your employees to tell some unique stories. This is one way to make your targets know your brand’s voice, as well as recognize Jane from Human Resources or Bob from Finance.

Just remember that all of your social content should also fit into your overall communications strategy.

4. It can help you break into new markets and establish your presence across several industries

Trying to break into a new market? Dying to partner with that company you admire? Use social media as an opportunity to introduce these new ideas into your company’s storyline. Slowly work in mentions that are relevant to that new industry or market.

Social media is a great tool for future partnerships or other strategic moves. It can also establish your company as an authority around new messaging or ideas (as long as you really know what you’re talking about).

5. It allows your employees to become engaged supporters of your company

Here are some suggestions to get them involved:

• Help your employees understand and use social media. Teach them how to be their best selves online by showing them the ins-and-outs of various networks, like utilizing Twitter and LinkedIn for business.
• Give them content they can share with their followers, and don’t expect them to create their own content out of thin air.
• Send them to fun events and encourage them to interact on social media.

Giving your employees the opportunity to become active social media users and supporters of your company online will keep them enthusiastic and passionate about their jobs. So use social media to show off your company culture, engage with your employees, and hone and refine your messaging.

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