More and more research is backing up one thing: our DNA has more impact on our daily lives than we ever thought possible. Genetic testing can give you insight about what kind of exercise will help you drop a few pounds and which foods you should eat to stay healthy. Providing you with that essential information is the goal of LifeNome, founded by Raya Khanin and Ali Mostashari. “Everything about you is locked in your genes,” says the 41-year-old Mostashari. “Science has been progressing since the human genome was first sequenced in 2002. We’re just getting to the point where we can understand how genetics impact our wellness traits.”

The fun thing about building your own ladder is that you don’t have to step over anyone when going up,” says Ali Mostashari. “The only thing that matters is that each step takes you higher.
How does LifeNome work? You mail in a saliva sample, which is carefully analyzed in a lab. The result is 50 to 60 megabytes of information. “Our results are based on thousands of scientific studies, each of them looking at an individual genetic trait,” says Mostashari, a WeWork Times Square member. “They tell you what sets you apart—the genetic variations that are uniquely you.” With a doctorate from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Khanin is highly regarded for her work in genetics. Mostashari, with a doctorate from MIT, is skilled at big data analytics. Two years ago, they joined forces because they saw the “huge potential” in combining their expertise to launch LifeNome.
Photos: Emanuel Hahn