Italian-born Matteo Console Camprini didn’t pursue architecture in the traditional sense. “If you’re doing traditional architecture, you envision something today,” says the 48-year-old entrepreneur. “If you’re lucky, you’ll see it in five years.” Instead, his passion in life was designing imaginative, innovative event spaces that come to life in a matter of weeks or months. So in 2005, he and his former co-founder started a creative agency called MCCGLC. When a high-profile company like Intel wants to stand out from the crowd at a convention or trade show, the London-based MCCGLC is the go-to name.

To follow your dream it takes passion, humbleness, ambition and clarity on who you are.
MCCGLC has been getting plenty of buzz. The London Stock Exchange named it one of the Companies to Inspire Britain. And the Sunday Times newspaper ranked it among the country’s fastest-growing companies. On the employment front, Camprini takes pride in the diversity of his 56-person team. “It’s not just diversity,” he says. “It’s multi-nationality.” Staffers comes from China, South Korea, Russia, Hungary, Germany, Italy, France, Portugal, Norway, and Sweden. And now the company has expanded to the U.S., opening an office in Atlanta’s WeWork Tower Place. Why Georgia? “A partner from Atlanta said Atlanta is a nice place to start a business,” Camprini says. “So when I found out WeWork was opening in Atlanta, I decided this is a sign. I visited and signed the deal within 24 hours.”
Photos: Oscar May