More than half of the seniors in South Korea live below the poverty line, a fact that Matt Shampine finds troubling.
“My mother and grandmother here could very well be in that group,” says Shampine, general manager of WeWork Korea.
Shampine and 25 other employees at WeWork Korea wanted to find a way to help. On November 18, they joined the Korea Legacy Committee to help prepare meals for over 2,000 seniors at the Seoul Senior Welfare Center.

Two WeWork members—Knowre CEO David Joo and Soko Glam Founder Charlotte Cho—also came out for the event.
That wasn’t the only event that the WeWork Korea team sponsored. They also raised money for the Korea Legacy Project at the opening party for WeWork Samseong Station.

“As WeWork Korea continues to grow our community here in Seoul, it’s important that we do everything that we can to help and support all of those in our neighborhoods and city,” says Shampine. “These two events this past weekend were just the beginning of our support for the senior citizens here in Seoul.”