WeWork is committed to supporting the growth of startups by offering flexible memberships and access to our global business acceleration platform WeWork Labs.
Find your new startup office space for your team to collaborate, network and grow in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines.
Learn from the best
Sign up to online startup relevant educational programming or watch recorded sessions from our media library.
Design a space with teams in mind
Surround yourself with other founders and a variety of business types located in our locations Everything from freelancers to multinational companies.
Tap into experts worldwide
Access over 1,000 vetted skill and industry experts virtually, including investors.
Establish your startup in your space
Refocus and regroup in our dedicated offices and lay out your plans to surpass your milestones. Create your culture while being a part of WeWork’s community.
WeWork’s Growth Campus initiative is an investment in space and resources specifically aiming to support the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam.
Eligible startups can get up to 50% off select office spaces*
as part of the Growth Campus promo.
*Eligibility criteria and terms and conditions apply.
Growth Campus offer Terms and Conditions
Offer. WeWork is offering eligible participants up to 50% discount on membership fees at WeWork Growth Campus locations in Singapore for new sign ups for dedicated desk(s) or private office space (“Offer”).
Eligibility. To participate in this Offer, participants must qualify as one of the following:
Accelerators, incubators, startup programs
VCs, investment funds, angel syndicates, investors
Startup related membership groups
Social impact / non profit
More details on eligibility can be found HERE. Participants are required to sign a WeWork Membership Agreement for dedicated space with a commitment term of at least three (3) months to a maximum of six (6) months, and must not be current members of WeWork or members from the last 3 month and must not be participating in any other offers or promotions. Participants must apply for the Offer HERE.
Offer Discount. WeWork will assess the level of discount (up to 50%) in its sole and absolute discretion based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to the eligibility criteria (HERE), location, availability and commitment term.
Offer Validity. This Offer is available for WeWork Growth Campus locations in Singapore and is subject to availability. Each participant may only take advantage of the Offer once. Offer is non-transferable, has no cash value, and cannot be combined with other offers or promotions. By participating in this Offer, you may be ineligible for other promotions or offers including other free or discounted trial offers for the duration of your term under the WeWork Membership Agreement. We may modify or terminate the Offer at any time without notice save that no modification or termination shall affect the terms of any WeWork Membership Agreement executed by an eligible participant.
Offer. WeWork is offering eligible participants up to 50% discount on membership fees at WeWork Growth Campus locations in Malaysia for new sign ups for dedicated desk(s) or private office space (“Offer”).
Eligibility. To participate in this Offer, participants must qualify as one of the following:
Accelerators, incubators, startup programs
VCs, investment funds, angel syndicates, investors
Startup related membership groups
Social impact / non profit
More details on eligibility can be found HERE. Participants are required to sign a WeWork Membership Agreement for dedicated space with a commitment term of least three (3) months to a maximum of six (6) months, and must not be current members of WeWork or members from the last 3 month and must not be participating in any other offers or promotions. Participants must apply for the Offer HERE.
Offer Discount. WeWork will assess the level of discount (up to 50%) in its sole and absolute discretion based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to the eligibility criteria (HERE), location, availability and commitment term.
Offer Validity. This Offer is available for WeWork Growth Campus locations in Malaysia and is subject to availability. Each participant may only take advantage of the Offer once. Offer is non-transferable, has no cash value, and cannot be combined with other offers or promotions. By participating in this Offer, you may be ineligible for other promotions or offers including other free or discounted trial offers for the duration of your term under the WeWork Membership Agreement. We may modify or terminate the Offer at any time without notice save that no modification or termination shall affect the terms of any WeWork Membership Agreement executed by an eligible participant.
Offer. WeWork is offering eligible participants up to 50% discount on membership fees at WeWork Growth Campus locations in Thailand for new sign ups for dedicated desk(s) or private office space (“Offer”).
Eligibility. To participate in this Offer, participants must qualify as one of the following:
Accelerators,incubators, startup programs
VCs, investment funds, angel syndicates, investors
Startup related membership groups
Social impact / non profit
More details on eligibility can be found HERE. Participants are required to sign a WeWork Membership Agreement for dedicated space with a commitment term of at least three (3) months to a maximum of six (6) months, and must not be current members of WeWork or members from the last 3 month and must not be participating in any other offers or promotions. Participants must apply for the Offer HERE.
Offer Discount. WeWork will assess the level of discount (up to 50%) in its sole and absolute discretion based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to the eligibility criteria (HERE), location, availability and commitment term.
Offer Validity. This Offer is available for WeWork Growth Campus locations in Thailand and is subject to availability. Each participant may only take advantage of the Offer once. Offer is non-transferable, has no cash value, and cannot be combined with other offers or promotions. By participating in this Offer, you may be ineligible for other promotions or offers including other free or discounted trial offers for the duration of your term under the WeWork Membership Agreement. We may modify or terminate the Offer at any time without notice save that no modification or termination shall affect the terms of any WeWork Membership Agreement executed by an eligible participant.
Penawaran. Wework menawarkan kepada peserta yang memenuhi persyaratan diskon untuk biaya keanggotaan hingga 50% pada lokasi Wework Growth Campus di Indonesia untuk pendaftaran baru meja(-meja) khusus atau ruang kantor pribadi (“Penawaran”).
Kelayakan. Untuk berpartisipasi dalam Penawaran ini, peserta harus memenuhi syarat sebagai salah satu dari yang berikut ini:
Akselerator, inkubator, program startup
VC, pendanaan investasi, sindikasi angel, investor
Startup yang berkaitan dengan grup keanggotaan
Dampak sosial/ nirlaba
Rincian lebih lanjut mengenai kelayakan dapat dilihat DISINI. Peserta diwajibkan untuk menandatangani suatu Perjanjian Keanggotaan Wework untuk suatu ruang khusus dengan jangka waktu komitmen paling sedikit tiga (3) bulan hingga maksimum dua enam (6) bulan, dan saat ini bukan merupakan anggota Wework atau anggota sejak 3 bulan terakhir dan harus tidak berpartisipasi dalam penawaran atau promosi lain apapun. Peserta harus mengajukan Penawaran DISINI.
Diskon Penawaran. Wework akan menilai tingkat diskon (hingga 50%) dalam kebijaksanaan tunggal dan mutlaknya berdasarkan berbagai faktor, termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas kriteria kelayakan (DISINI), , lokasi, ketersediaan dan jangka waktu komitmen.
Keberlakuan Penawaran. Penawaran ini tersedia pada lokasi Wework Growth Campus di Indonesia dan tunduk pada ketersediaan. Masing-masing peserta hanya dapat memanfaatkan Penawaran satu kali. Penawaran tidak dapat dialihkan, tidak memiliki nilai tunai, dan tidak dapat digabung dengan penawaran atau promosi lainnya. Dengan ikut serta pada Penawaran ini, anda mungkin tidak memenuhi syarat untuk promosi atau penawaran lain termasuk penawaran uji coba gratis atau diskon lainnya selama jangka waktu Anda berdasarkan Perjanjian Keanggotaan WeWork. Kami dapat memodifikasi atau mengakhiri Penawaran pada setiap waktu tanpa pemberitahuan kecuali modifikasi atau pengakhiran tidak mempengaruhi ketentuan dari Perjanjian Keanggotaan Wewok yang ditandatangani oleh peserta yang memenuhi syarat.
Bahasa. Syarat dan ketentuan Penawaran ini telah ditandatangani dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia. Para pihak setuju bahwa versi bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia dari syarat dan ketentuan Penawaran ini telah disiapkan untuk mematuhi Undang-undang No. 24 tahun 2009 mengenai Bendera, Bahasa, Lambang Negara dan Lagu Kebangsaan dan dimaksudkan untuk dipersamakan dengan hal tersebut. Sepanjang diizinkan oleh peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, teks bahasa Inggris dari syarat dan ketentuan Penawaran ini akan berlaku dalam hal sengketa atau ketidaksesuaian apapun dengan versi bahasa Indonesia. Sebaliknya, dalam hal sengketa atau ketidaksesuaian apapun dan teks bahasa Inggris dari syarat danketentuan Penawaran ini tidak dapat berlaku, para pihak setuju bahwa teks bahasa Indonesia yang bersangkutan akan dianggap untuk diubah untuk menyesuaikan dengan teks bahasa Inggris.
Offer. WeWork is offering eligible participants up to 50% discount on membership fees at WeWork Growth Campus locations in Indonesia for new sign ups for dedicated desk(s) or private office space (“Offer”).
Eligibility. To participate in this Offer, participants must qualify as one of the following:
Accelerators, incubators, startup programs
VCs, investment funds, angel syndicates, investors
Startup related membership groups
Social impact / non profit
More details on eligibility can be found HERE. Participants are required to sign a WeWork Membership Agreement for dedicated space with a commitment term of at least three (3) months to a maximum of six (6) months, and must not be current members of WeWork or members from the last 3 month and must not be participating in any other offers or promotions. Participants must apply for the Offer HERE.
Offer Discount. WeWork will assess the level of discount (up to 50%) in its sole and absolute discretion based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to the eligibility criteria (HERE), location, availability and commitment term.
Offer Validity. This Offer is available for WeWork Growth Campus locations in Indonesia and is subject to availability. Each participant may only take advantage of the Offer once. Offer is non-transferable, has no cash value, and cannot be combined with other offers or promotions. By participating in this Offer, you may be ineligible for other promotions or offers including other free or discounted trial offers for the duration of your term under the WeWork Membership Agreement. We may modify or terminate the Offer at any time without notice save that no modification or termination shall affect the terms of any WeWork Membership Agreement executed by an eligible participant.
Language. These Offer terms and conditions have been entered into in the English and Indonesian languages. The parties agree that the English and Indonesian versions of these offer terms and conditions have been prepared in compliance with Law No. 24 of 2009 regarding National Flag, Language, State Emblem and National Anthem and are intended to be equivalent. To the extent permitted by prevailing laws and regulations, the English language text of these Offer terms and conditions will prevail in the case of any conflict or inconsistency with the Indonesian version. Otherwise, in the event of any such conflict or inconsistency and the English language text of these offer terms and conditions cannot prevail, the parties agree that the relevant Indonesian text shall be deemed to be amended to conform with the relevant English text.
Offer. WeWork is offering eligible participants up to 50% discount on membership fees at WeWork Growth Campus locations in Vietnam for new sign ups for dedicated desk(s) or private office space (“Offer”).
Eligibility. To participate in this Offer, participants must qualify as one of the following:
Accelerators, incubators, startup programs
VCs, investment funds, angel syndicates, investors
Startup related membership groups
Social impact / non profit
More details on eligibility can be found HERE. Participants are required to sign a WeWork Membership Agreement for dedicated space with a commitment term of at least three (3) months to a maximum of six (6) months, and must not be current members of WeWork or members from the last 3 month and must not be participating in any other offers or promotions. Participants must apply for the Offer HERE.
Offer Discount. WeWork will assess the level of discount (up to 50%) in its sole and absolute discretion based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to the eligibility criteria (HERE), location, availability and commitment term.
Offer Validity. This Offer is available for WeWork Growth Campus locations in Vietnam and is subject to availability. Each participant may only take advantage of the Offer once. Offer is non-transferable, has no cash value, and cannot be combined with other offers or promotions. By participating in this Offer, you may be ineligible for other promotions or offers including other free or discounted trial offers for the duration of your term under the WeWork Membership Agreement. We may modify or terminate the Offer at any time without notice save that no modification or termination shall affect the terms of any WeWork Membership Agreement executed by an eligible participant.
Offer. WeWork is offering eligible participants up to 50% discount on membership fees at WeWork Growth Campus locations in Philippines for new sign ups for dedicated desk(s) or private office space (“Offer”).
Eligibility. To participate in this Offer, participants must qualify as one of the following:
Accelerators, incubators, startup programs
VCs, investment funds, angel syndicates, investors
Startup related membership groups
Social impact / non profit
More details on eligibility can be found HERE. Participants are required to sign a WeWork Membership Agreement for dedicated space with a commitment term of at least three (3) months to a maximum of six (6) months, and must not be current members of WeWork or members from the last 3 month and must not be participating in any other offers or promotions. Participants must apply for the Offer HERE.
Offer Discount. WeWork will assess the level of discount (up to 50%) in its sole and absolute discretion based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to the eligibility criteria (HERE), location, availability and commitment term.
Offer Validity. This Offer is available for WeWork Growth Campus locations in Philippines and is subject to availability. Each participant may only take advantage of the Offer once. Offer is non-transferable, has no cash value, and cannot be combined with other offers or promotions. By participating in this Offer, you may be ineligible for other promotions or offers including other free or discounted trial offers for the duration of your term under the WeWork Membership Agreement. We may modify or terminate the Offer at any time without notice save that no modification or termination shall affect the terms of any WeWork Membership Agreement executed by an eligible participant.