Special offers on select private offices. Restrictions and terms apply. Connect with our team to learn more.

Dalton Place

WeWork, Dalton Place
29 John Dalton Street
Manchester M2 6FW
Special offers on select private offices. Restrictions and terms apply. Connect with our team to learn more.

T'interessa aquesta ubicació?

Emplena el formulari que trobaràs a continuació per reservar una visita o perquè un membre del nostre equip es posi en contacte amb tu per estudiar les teves necessitats d'espai de treball.

Nom i cognoms.
Ho necessitem per a les confirmacions.
Indica'ns com posar-nos en contacte amb tu.
Per a qui treballes?
Quantes persones necessiten espai de treball?
Tria un valor
T'agradaria reservar una visita?*

Fent clic al botó que apareix a continuació, acceptes les nostres condicions de servei i entens la nostra política de privacitat global.

  • Dalton Place Coworking
    Building Exterior
  • Dalton Place Coworking
    Common Area
  • Dalton Place Coworking
    Common Area
  • Dalton Place Coworking
  • Dalton Place Conference Room
    Conference Room
  • Dalton Place Coworking
    Outdoor Terrace

Lloc de treball disponible

Quantes persones necessiten espai?
Tingues en compte els requisits de distància social quan busquis un espai.


  • Serveis de neteja
  • Aparcament
  • Amics dels gossos
  • Espai exterior
  • Emmagatzematge de bicicletes
  • Sala de criança
  • Sala de benestar
  • Espai per a esdeveniments
Veure tots els serveis


WeWork, Dalton Place 29 John Dalton Street Manchester M2 6FW
  • Trànsit proper

  • St Peters Square Metro Link (6 min walk) | Manchester Piccadilly Station (15 min walk)

Coworking & Office Space in Dalton Place, Manchester

A tranquil locale in the heart of the city, our City Centre coworking space is the ideal home to grow your business. Five floors in this six-story building are dedicated to WeWork, featuring expansive lounges, unique conference rooms, and productivity-fueling private offices. The space is filled with natural light; an outdoor terrace offers a welcome reprieve between meetings. Commuting is a breeze with the Underground at St Peter’s Square and ample buses right nearby. After work, head to the shops at Spinningfields or treat the team to dinner at one of the neighborhood’s many restaurants. Looking to grow your business in Manchester’s Central Retail District? Join WeWork today. Please note that some amenities like parking and bike storage are only available for physical members - please speak to the community team if you have any questions
Som aquí per ajudar-te
yvonne d.

L'equip de mànagers de la comunitat afegeix un toc professional i personal a tots els edificis de WeWork i està compromés a apoderar els membres en tot allò que pugui.

Edificis propers