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80 George Street

Surround your team with boutique shops, thriving businesses, and some of Edinburgh’s most historic landmarks at our vibrant New Town workspace. Inspiration comes easily in art-filled lounges and modern conference rooms, while sleek private offices encourage productivity and collaboration. Streamline your commute with the trams and buses on Princes Street; the trains at nearby Edinburgh Waverley Station offer regional connections for added convenience. After work, enjoy the greenery at Princes Street Garden, or head to Stockbridge to browse the artisan markets and food stalls. Under the gaze of Edinburgh Castle and brimming with creative potential, our office space at 80 George St has everything you need to succeed. Schedule a visit today.


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قاعة الأمهات

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صديق بالحيوانات الأليفة

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ركن الدراجات

Icon for مساحات الاستحمام

مساحات الاستحمام

Icon for barista


Icon for مساحة للفعاليات

مساحة للفعاليات

عرض كافة المرافق

مساحات مكتبية في 80 George Street

مكان عمل ليومٍ واحد

عضوية العمل المرن

مكاتب خاصة


80 George Street Edinburgh, EH2 3BU

ما يقوله الآخرون عنّا

Jonathon Davey

March 26, 2024

Excellent all-round. The view from the terrace of the castle and old town is sufficient for a booking, though other services include an on-site barista, kitchen facilities as-well-as complimentary teas and coffee, and draft beer (the latter from 15:00-18:00). The staff were efficient and friendly. Would recommend 100%

abhey sharma

December 14, 2023

Excellent place.

Alexandra Jourdan-Astruc

September 25, 2023

Le meilleur wework où je suis allée jusqu’à présent! Peu de places pour s’installer - gros point noir!) mais la vue est absolument incroyable!

Desmond Dsouza

April 13, 2023

A space for everyone. Great place to work. Absolutely lovely service for everyone whether you are a small company or a big place. Nice view of Edinburgh and the castle and other places. The terrace is very view worthy
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