You got a referral discount

Cambridge Chamber of Commerce has given you a special offer to become a WeWork member.

Whether it's flexible access to a single desk in any building, all the way up to private offices in a dedicated space, WeWork has workplace solutions to keep your business moving forward.


Compare memberships

Space=OfficeSuite, Size=M, Aspect=1x1

Dedicated space

Month-to-month memberships in your own personal space

Open Workspace

WeWork All Access Memberships

Flexible access to shared workspace in hundreds of locations globally

Space=DedicatedDesk, Size=M, Aspect=1x1

WeWork On Demand

Workspace by the day or hour


Monthly or long-term commitment





Included Locations

One location

Included Locations

Multiple locations

Included Locations

Multiple locations

Referral Offer

Two month free on a 12-month commitment

Referral Offer

Two month free on a 12-month commitment

Referral Offer

Not available (standard pricing is $29/day or $10/hr)

Workspace Options

From dedicated desks in a shared office, all the way to configurable office suites for larger teams

Workspace Options

Shared workspace plus credits towards booking meeting rooms

Workspace Options

Shared workspace and meeting rooms

Get started Get started Learn More

Flexible workspace where and how you need it

View all our flexible use cases

Any size space

From a single desk, all the way up to configured offices.

On your terms

By the hour, the day, the month or longer term.

From anywhere

Choose a single location, or access any building worldwide.