Gav-Yam Negev

Gav Yam Negev Park
Be'er Sheva 84709

4.5 | 46 opinions

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  • Gav-Yam Negev Coworking
    Common Area
  • Gav-Yam Negev Coworking
    Common Area
  • Gav-Yam Negev Office Space
  • Gav-Yam Negev Office Space
    Conference Room
  • Gav-Yam Negev Office
    Building Exterior
  • Gav-Yam Negev Coworking
    Common Area
  • Gav-Yam Negev Office Space
    Conference Room
  • Gav-Yam Negev Office Space
    Community Desk
  • Gav-Yam Negev Coworking
    Common Area

Lloc de treball disponible

Quantes persones necessiten espai?
Tingues en compte els requisits de distància social quan busquis un espai.


  • Serveis de neteja
  • Amics dels gossos
  • Sala de criança
  • Espai per a esdeveniments
  • Serveis tecnològics
  • Sales de reunions
  • Personal in situ
  • Àrees comunes úniques
Veure tots els serveis


Gav Yam Negev Park Be'er Sheva 84709
  • Trànsit proper

  • North train station Be'er Sheva
  • Free parking at the parking lot next to this building
  • Storage available in the building next door


Tant si cerques coneixement, com inspiració o passar-ho bé, aquí sempre hi ha alguna cosa que val la pena. Fes una ullada als últims esdeveniments:

  • Morning Pilates
  • Reflexology

Finding Coworking Space in Gav Yam Negev Park

A short drive from the center of this southern city, our Be'er Sheva office space is located in the middle of a newly built cluster of buildings attracting big names in technology and defense. The Be’er Sheva coworking space occupies the entire third floor of a building bustling with activity, making it popular for companies looking for office space or a place to hold meetings with high-profile clients. It’s just across the bridge from the Northern Be’er Sheva train station, between Ben Gurion University and the future technology campus of the Israeli Defense Force. It’s easily accessible by car and has plenty of free parking. If you’re looking to be among the country’s movers and shakers, try this Be'er Sheva office space.

Què diu la gent

4.5 | 46 ressenyes de Google

Ethio Abyssiniya Tube
novembre 23, 2022
Data Analysis
מענדל ממן
febrer 28, 2022
וואו מדהים
anat efrati
gener 19, 2022
חוויה לשהות במקום הזה - עיצוב מעניין וצעיר, חדרי עבודה נעימים, נהדר ממש!
שגיא לוי
gener 4, 2022
מקום נעים ונוח לעבודה
Iris Asa
desembre 19, 2021
מפתיע לטובה
Noy Milles
desembre 1, 2021
מספר אחת.
yizak Aharon
octubre 20, 2021
אני פשוט לומד שם QA דרך מכללת svcollege שהשכירו שם כיתה ומשרד .
kathy kaplan
juny 12, 2021
Importante este sitio, muy de acuerdo la modernidad.
נעמי א
maig 7, 2021
מפנק. נקי. שקט. עכשווי
יחיא אבו חדאים
gener 12, 2021
itamar fridman
gener 7, 2021
המקום המושלם לעסקים קטנים
noam tsur
juliol 25, 2020
תענוג של מקום
Anna-Maria Govenko
maig 27, 2020
Цікаве місце, дуже цікаво
ליאורה סיאני
octubre 6, 2019
מקום מהמם, מעוצב יפה, נראה שחשבו על הכל בתכנון
Yehuda Goldberg
setembre 21, 2019
We work is the best. Great central office.
Carrega'n més
Som aquí per ajudar-te
Hila K.

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