Temukan ruang kerja ideal Anda

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Mengapa WeWork
  • Ratusan lokasi dekat dengan rumah atau di seluruh dunia

  • Ruang kerja bersama dan private office untuk tim dengan segala ukuran

  • Flexible commitment terms & ability to scale up and down

  • Keanggotaan lengkap dengan WiFi, percetakan, kopi, dukungan di tempat, dan banyak lagi

Build, grow, and scale at WeWork

Innovative companies of all sizes and industries choose WeWork as their top office solution. Meet Esper Bionics, Franklyn, Hilma, and Loisa—four members who rely on our spaces and services to help fuel their business. Whether they’re bringing teams together, looking for a hybrid solution, or scaling globally, their big ideas are all made at WeWork.

  • "From the moment we moved in, we had everything we needed. Our team can just connect, focus, and get inspired."

  • "As our business has changed — up, down, big, small — WeWork has allowed our office to flex with us."

  • "We love how WeWork combines functionality and design, just like our product."

  • "WeWork lets us meet other entrepreneurs and teams. It’s the energy we need to take our business to the next level."

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Focus on your goals, we’ll handle your office

Fully furnished with all the amenities you need, your team’s office is ready from day one. We take care of all your operations, from Wi-Fi to onsite support, mail and packaging, cleaning, printing, and coffee, so you can focus on what matters most.

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Workspace that flexes to all your changing needs

Upsize and downsize your space or scale to new offices locally and globally. Our flexible workspace platform keeps up with you—adapting to changing size, location, and term length needs so you always have the right space at the right time.

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An office experience you and your team will love

Customize your office, host meetings, and get inspired in shared spaces—all while enjoying our elevated amenities. Plus, curated programming and exclusive networking events connect you with resources to take your business to the next level.

Bandingkan keanggotaan WeWork

WeWork All Access
Apa itu
Keanggotaan bulanan ke ruang kerja bersama di dekat rumah atau di seluruh dunia.
Yang Anda dapatkan
Ruang bersama
Bekerja dari hot desk, bilik telepon, lounge, dan ruang rapat (menggunakan kredit yang disertakan).
Pelajari selengkapnya
Private Office
Apa itu
Ruang kantor siap pakai khusus untuk tim Anda.
Yang Anda dapatkan
Ruang khusus
Dapatkan ruang siap huni tanpa mengkhawatirkan operasional kantor tradisional dan biaya tidak tetap.
Pelajari selengkapnya

Bandingkan keanggotaan WeWork

WeWork All Access
Private Office
Apa itu
Keanggotaan bulanan ke ruang kerja bersama di dekat rumah atau di seluruh dunia.
Apa itu
Ruang kantor siap pakai khusus untuk tim Anda.
Yang Anda dapatkan
Ruang bersama
Yang Anda dapatkan
Ruang khusus
Bekerja dari hot desk, bilik telepon, lounge, dan ruang rapat (menggunakan kredit yang disertakan).
Pelajari selengkapnya
Dapatkan ruang siap huni tanpa mengkhawatirkan operasional kantor tradisional dan biaya tidak tetap.
Pelajari selengkapnya

Bicaralah dengan anggota tim kami

Isi formulir ini dan kami akan menghubungi Anda untuk membantu menemukan solusi yang tepat.

Harap masukkan nama depan dan belakang Anda.
Harap masukkan alamat email Anda.
Harap masukkan nomor telepon Anda.
Di mana Anda ingin menemukan ruang kerja?
Masukkan nama perusahaan Anda.
Jenis ruang apa yang Anda minati?
Berapa banyak orang yang membutuhkan ruang kerja?

Dengan mengeklik tombol di bawah ini, Anda menyetujui Ketentuan Layanan dan mengakui Kebijakan Privasi Global kami.