L'edifici està gairebé ple!

Paulista 1374

Av. Paulista, 1374
Bela Vista
São Paulo, SP 01310-100

T'interessa aquesta ubicació?

Emplena el formulari que trobaràs a continuació per reservar una visita o perquè un membre del nostre equip es posi en contacte amb tu per estudiar les teves necessitats d'espai de treball.

Nom i cognoms.
Ho necessitem per a les confirmacions.
Indica'ns com posar-nos en contacte amb tu.
Per a qui treballes?
Quantes persones necessiten espai de treball?
Tria un valor
T'agradaria reservar una visita?*

Fent clic al botó que apareix a continuació, acceptes les nostres condicions de servei i entens la nostra política de privacitat global.

  • Paulista 1374 Coworking
    Building Exterior
  • Paulista 1374 Coworking
    Common Area
  • Paulista 1374 Coworking
    Community Bar
  • Paulista 1374 Coworking
  • Paulista 1374 Coworking
    Private Office
  • Paulista 1374 Coworking
    Conference Room
  • Paulista 1374 Coworking
    Hot Desks
  • Paulista 1374 Coworking
  • Paulista 1374 Coworking
    Conference Room

Lloc de treball disponible

Quantes persones necessiten espai?
Tingues en compte els requisits de distància social quan busquis un espai.


  • Serveis de neteja
  • Aparcament
  • Emmagatzematge de bicicletes
  • Sala de criança
  • Sala de benestar
  • Espai per a esdeveniments
  • Serveis tecnològics
  • Sales de reunions
Veure tots els serveis


Av. Paulista, 1374 Bela Vista São Paulo, SP 01310-100
  • Trànsit proper

  • Metro Station Trianon MASP - Green line in front
  • Parking available within the building
  • Consolação, Av. 9 de Julho, Av. Brigadeiro Luis Antônio, Av. Rebouças, Av. Sumaré, Av. Pacaembú, Av. 23 de Maio, Radial Leste
  • Bike storage available within the building. Bike share stations nearby.


Tant si cerques coneixement, com inspiració o passar-ho bé, aquí sempre hi ha alguna cosa que val la pena. Fes una ullada als últims esdeveniments:

  • Massagem: Bem-Estar com a SINGU
  • Manicure: Bem-Estar com a SINGU
  • Workshop: Make Up - Mary Kay

Finding Avenida Paulista Office Space

Avenida Paulista has long served as a landmark for the city of São Paulo. Just as the avenue is home to a diverse community—from artists to bankers, tattooers to lawyers—WeWork’s two floors of coworking space brings together forward-thinking companies from a range of industries. With a prime location near the city’s most lively bars, restaurants, shops, and cultural institutions, you’ll always have options for entertaining clients or celebrating big wins with the team. Plus, enjoy an easy commute with onsite bike storage, nearby bus stops, and the Trianon-MASP subway station just across the street. Join WeWork Paulista for beautiful space and an unbeatable address.

Our Unique Coworking Spaces on Avenida Paulista

Located inside the former Banco Real building, WeWork Paulista is not your average coworking space. Our grand designs here show that we’ve thought through every detail: from private offices fit for teams of one or 100 to our art-filled meeting rooms, comfy common areas, and an outdoor space that’s perfect for after-work networking. With a design theme inspired by the Modern Art Week of 1922, our interiors at pay homage to the area’s artistic roots with custom pieces and pops of color. You’ve never seen an office space like this before. Book a tour today and get your team’s inspiration flowing.

Som aquí per ajudar-te
Douglas S.

L'equip de mànagers de la comunitat afegeix un toc professional i personal a tots els edificis de WeWork i està compromés a apoderar els membres en tot allò que pugui.

Edificis propers