Learn about how we’ve strengthened WeWork for the future and the conclusion of our strategic restructuring here.

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Ruang dan solusi yang tersedia

Direkomendasikan untuk Anda

Private Office

Ruang kerja pribadi yang siap ditempati untuk tim dengan berbagai ukuran dilengkapi pilihan fasilitas bersama atau fasilitas pribadi—serta ketersediaan pilihan Satu Lantai Penuh guna privasi dan personalisasi tambahan.

Mari kita berbincang

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Private Office

Kartu Pas Harian

Pesan akses ke ruang kerja bersama atau private office untuk seharian. Pelajari selengkapnya

  • Untuk individu dan tim kecil
  • Wi-Fi cepat, kopi dan teh tanpa batas, dan banyak lagi
Mulai dari £25/hari*

*Ditambah pajak yang berlaku

Ruang Rapat

Pesan ruang konferensi per jam untuk grup dengan berbagai ukuran. Pelajari selengkapnya

  • Untuk grup kecil dan besar
  • Wi-Fi cepat, alat A/V konferensi, dan banyak lagi
Mulai dari £10/kursi/jam*

*Ditambah pajak yang berlaku


Icon for tempat mandi

Tempat mandi

Icon for barista


Icon for ruang laktasi

Ruang laktasi

Icon for ramah anjing

Ramah anjing

Icon for penyimpanan sepeda

Penyimpanan sepeda

Icon for ruang acara

Ruang acara

Icon for game rekreasi

Game rekreasi

Icon for ruang kesehatan

Ruang kesehatan

Lihat semua fasilitas


Manor House Greater London, England W1D 3QP

Transit terdekat

  • Tottenham Court Road (3 minute walk) | Oxford Circus (4 minute walk) | Bond Street (5 minute walk)

Find London Office Space in Manor House, Soho

Situated in an iconic building in beautiful Soho Square, our shared office in Manor House offers a bright start to your next chapter. We’ve transformed all eight floors into elevated coworking space, featuring art-filled lounges, collaborative conference rooms, and sleek private offices. Bring the team together in our dedicated brainstorming room, or meet with a colleague on our functional outdoor terrace. Commuting is simple with Oxford Circus, Tottenham Court Road, and Bond Street Stations nearby; there’s also onsite bike storage for cyclists. With a location in the heart of London’s West End—close to Covent Garden and just a short walk from the Theatre District—it’s easy to mix work with play at this vibrant workspace. Join WeWork today.

Sustainability at 21 Soho Square

_ 100% Renewable Energy

_ Energy Metering or Sub-Metering

_ On-site energy renewables or generation

_ Zero Plastic Policy

_ Green Cleaning (Chemical free)

_ Water Meters

_Cycle Storage

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